A Simple Habit to Unlock Your Brain and Reimagine Your Life

By Allison Fallon

Hardcover, 209 pages, 2020.

Zondervan Thrive

Even if you never get published, or no one ever sees what you write, Allison makes a compelling case for why Your Voice is dying to be heard.

It’s no exaggeration.

You MUST write for many reasons that hold you back:

to clear your mind

heal from your past

understand your hurts

move past your trauma

examine your life

control your narrative

rewrite your future

and leave your legacy.

This is more than a push for writers who are blocked or are hesitant to write. It’s for anyone who feels stuck in their lives.

Based on Pennebaker’s research that if you write for 20 minutes on four consecutive days, your mood will improve measurably.

While writing is not a cure-all, it vastly impacts your mental, emotional, and even physical well-being.

“Words are that powerful.”

Writing can be scary but don’t worry. Allison guides you through how to begin, how to make writing a habit, and how to harness its power to tap your inner wisdom and enlightenment.

“Not only are words the legacy we leave behind, but words shape the world we live in.”
