Latest Issues

The 1980s and the 1990s: The Tale of Two Decades

By Antonio S. Lopez Two decades in modern Philippine history stand out—the 1980s (1980-1989) and the 1990s (1990-1999).  They changed the fate and fortune of the nation—from bad to worse, then worse to worst, with […]


The Future: Hindsights, Insights, Foresights

By the PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) A year and a half after the first enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) was declared in Luzon, the Philippines faces greater challenges because of the Delta variant. Since the first ECQ on […]


Q/A “We are very likely to continue to survive”

(On Sept. 6, 2021, Philippine Airlines President and PAL COO Gilbert Santa Maria (GSM) and PAL Chief Financial Officer Nilo Thaddeus Rodriguez (NTR) gave a press briefing on the carrier’s bankruptcy declaration and rehabilitation.  Here […]


Duterte’s Davao Mafia: The dark side of cronyism

It is now abundantly clear: Rodrigo Roa Duterte has been running a Davao Mafia all these years. It is  cronyism multiplied a thousand times. The cabal gobbled up choice government contracts of all kinds, the […]