Fissiparous Sara D.
By TONY LOPEZ Disclosure: The D does not stand for deranged or demented, but rather to the first letter of one of the most awesome political brands locally. During a rambling long-promised two-hour press conference […]
By TONY LOPEZ Disclosure: The D does not stand for deranged or demented, but rather to the first letter of one of the most awesome political brands locally. During a rambling long-promised two-hour press conference […]
Books by Asians have tripled in the US since 2016. Before 2020, it was rare to see any children’s book about a Filipino or any book written by a Filipino. From 2021, US publishers began […]
Damned If You DoAlex BrownHardcover, 364 pages, 2023.Page Street PublishingGET THE BOOK: https://amzn.to/4f3NJVa I picked the book Damned If You Do by Alex Brown from the Teen shelf because the red cover design caught my […]
By Tony Lopez In Congress’s hallowed halls, Friday evening, Oct. 11, 2024, at half past 8, retired police Lieut. Col. Royina Garma had a metanoia. A changing of her mind, a breakdown, an epiphany. She […]
By TONY LOPEZ Senate hearings on Philippine offshore gaming operations (POGOs) have shifted their focus from illegal gambling to something overarching and spine-chilling—spying. Specifically, spying by China. One emerging narrative: Alice Leal Guo, alias Guo […]
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